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Health Benefits of Taking Viagra

Many people knew that Viagra is for man who has erectile dysfunction or impotency. When this drug came out in the market, many old men were happy because of what it offers. But many people do not know that taking Viagra has other benefits aside from sexual problem. This controversial drug has other benefits for patients, so it is not just for sexual pleasure.

Here are the benefits of taking Viagra:

1.0 Erectile Dysfunction (Impotency). 
Viagra is designed and manufactured to help people who suffer from erectile dysfunction. A man with this kind of illness takes Viagra to augment his personal needs.

2.0 High Blood Pressure / Hypertension. 
Recent study reveals that Viagra can help people high hypertension maintain their sexual appetite. A report on canoe.com says that 71% of men with hypertension who took Viagra improved their erection without any side effect. Another unofficial report suggests that taking Viagra can improve the circulation of blood and that; minor blood clogging could be unclogged.

3.0 Viagra helps patients with Prostate Cancer. 
Healthy.com reported that patients who are suffering from prostate cancer improve their sexual function after taking Viagra before and after radiation therapy. Pfizer, the main manufacturer of Viagra funded this research and the result appeared to be encouraging.

4.0 Viagra helps Sever Altitude Sickness. 
The erectile dysfunction drug may help protect against lung problems resulting from high altitudes, say French researchers. High altitude can cause a number of illnesses especially for people with existing heart and lung problems. Study suggests that Viagra helps by relaxing blood vessels, allowing blood to flow freely through vessels. In a recent experiment, Viagra was better than a placebo at protecting men’s lungs. The results appear in the February issue of the American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine.

5.0 Viagra could stop Malaria.
The most recent study released by Popular Science suggests that Viagra can stop the development or transfer of malaria through blood vessels. Malaria is transmitted through blood vessels and infecting cells. According to Popular Science “Viagra, which works for its intended purpose by relaxing certain muscles to increase blood flow, allows the infected cells to remain stiff by inhibiting an enzyme that would keep them squishy. In this study, the researchers tested Viagra on the blood in an artificial spleen and found that the spleen easily weeded out the hardened red blood cells. The researchers see their work as the first step towards new types of anti-malarials.”.

1 reaction:

JakeSay said...

nice article, but i have another one
https://kovla.com/blog/2-minutes-of-pain-about-male-fears-masturbation-and-viagra/ maybe you can find it useful!enjoy

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