I randomly write any topic about health here which I find interesting and informative. Wealth topic is also published here so that you will get some ideas on how to earn money too. Health and Money Awareness are my objectives in writing in this blog.

Colo-rectal Cancer

The large intestine is made up of the colon (the upper five to six feet) and the rectum (the last six to eight inches. This is where the last stage of digestion occurs and where solid waste is being held until it is released. Colo-rectal cancer is second only to lung cancer among cancers that kill both men and women. Most colon cancers occur in people over fifty. It strikes men and women equally. Colo-rectal cancer develops over a ten-fifteen year period and produces no symptoms until it is advanced. If the disease is detected early enough and the tumor has not metastasized, the survival rate is quite high. A genetic defect is connected with some forms of familial colon cancer.

Risks factors associated with this kind of disease include calcium deficiency, colorectal polyps, continued constipation/ and or diarrhea, build up toxins in the colon, possibly diabetes, a diet high in saturated animal fat and low in fiber, high intake of charbroiled. burned, wood-smoked,or fried foods, obesity, smoking,alcohol consumption, and cancer in another part of the body. Symptoms include rectal bleeding, blood in the stool, changes in bowel habits, diarrhea, gas pains, persistent abdominal pain and bloating, anemia or significant weight loss, unusual paleness and fatigue and ulcerative colitis.

Dietary and nutritional factors include low in red meat, alcohol, and refined foods. Recommends high in vegetables, fruits, soy, fish, whole-grain bread and cereal and a diet low or nonfat dairy products. Lots of fruits and vegetables offer optimum dietary protection. Tomatoes may lower risk. Garlic, broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, citrus fruits, melon and dark, green, red and yellow vegetables are recommended for their anti-oxidant and sulfur compounds. Consumption of chlorinated water has been linked to a greater incidence of colon cancer.

Coffee has been reported to have positive effects on reducing colon cancer risk. Long-term use of multivitamin with folic acid helps reduce colon cancer as well as Vitamin C and E and selenium and carotene. Probiotics ( which can be found in yogurt and supplement)
may inhibit colon cancer. Low levels of Vit. D and excessive iron intake have been associated with an increased risk of colon cancer. Screening for colon cancer like a colonoscopy is the best way to detect polyps before they turn cancerous. Men and women should have rectal exam beginning at age 50.

Health is Wealth

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